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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - stay


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~1 v 1 »IN A PLACE« to stop and remain in a place rather than go or leave  (stay (for) an hour/a while etc)  (Can't you stay a little longer? | stay late)  (I had to stay later than planned at work. | stay here/there)  (Stay right there! I'll be back in a minute. | stay to dinner/stay for lunch)  (Can you stay for supper? | stay behind (=remain after others have gone))  (I stayed behind to help clean up after the party.) 2 »IN A POSITION« linking verb) to continue to be in a particular position, place, or state, without changing  (stay calm/quiet/warm etc)  (It's going to stay cold for the next few days. | You'd think he could stay sober for once.) + away/back/on etc  (Stay away from my daughter! | Get out of this house and stay out! | You stay on this road for one mile before turning off.) stay in/out (=not leave your home, or remain away from home)  (I won't have you staying out on a school night. | stay up (=not go to bed))  (I stayed up late to watch the film. | stay in a job (=keep doing it))  (I don't know whether to stay in teaching or not. | stay around informal (=not leave someone))  (How do you know he'll stay around? | stay up/down/the same etc (=remain at the same level))  (House prices have stayed down for a whole year. | stay out of spoken (=not get involved))  (Stay out of this, Ben, it's none of your business.) 3 »LIVE SOMEWHERE« to live in a place for a while as a visitor or guest + at/with  (We stayed at the hotel for four nights. | My mother is staying with us this week. | stay the night/stay overnight/stay over (=stay from one evening to the next day))  (You can stay overnight if you don't want to drive home.) 4 stay put spoken to remain in one place and not move  (You stay put in the car while I run into the store!) 5 be here to stay to become accepted and used by most people  (Do you think computers are here to stay?) 6 stay after school to remain at school after the day's classes are finished, often as a punishment 7 stay the course informal to finish something in spite of difficulties  (Working in sales is very demanding and not many of our people stay the course..) 8 »STOP« literary to stop doing something, or stop someone from doing something 9 stay! used to tell a dog not to move stay on phr v to continue to do a job or to study after the usual or expected time for leaving  ("I thought your contract was done." "It is, but I'm staying on.") ~2 n 1 C usually singular a limited time of living in a place  (I met her towards the end of my stay in Los Angeles. | a short stay in the hospital) 2 law the stopping or delay of an action because a judge has ordered it  (stay of execution (=a delay of the punishment)) 3 a strong wire or rope used for supporting a ship's mast (1) 4 a short piece of plastic, bone, or wire used to keep a shirt collar1 (1) or a corset stiff 5 stays a corset
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  (stays, staying, stayed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you stay where you are, you continue to be there and do not leave. ‘Stay here,’ Trish said. ‘I’ll bring the car down the drive to take you back.’... In the old days the woman stayed at home and the man earned the money. VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep 2. If you stay in a town, or hotel, or at someone’s house, you live there for a short time. Gordon stayed at The Park Hotel, Milan... He tried to stay a few months every year in Scotland. VERB: V prep/adv, V n • Stay is also a noun. An experienced Indian guide is provided during your stay. N-COUNT: usu supp N 3. If someone or something stays in a particular state or situation, they continue to be in it. The Republican candidate said he would ‘work like crazy to stay ahead’. ...community care networks that offer classes on how to stay healthy... = remain V-LINK: V adv/prep, V adj 4. If you stay away from a place, you do not go there. Government employers and officers also stayed away from work during the strike... Every single employee turned up at the meeting, even people who usually stayed away. = keep VERB: V away from n, V away 5. If you stay out of something, you do not get involved in it. In the past, the UN has stayed out of the internal affairs of countries unless invited in... VERB: V out of n 6. If you stay put, you remain somewhere. Nigel says for the moment he is very happy to stay put in Lyon. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you stay the night in a place, you sleep there for one night. They had invited me to come to supper and stay the night. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English st?g; akin to Old Norse stag ~  Date: before 12th century  1. a large strong rope usually of wire used to support a mast  2. guy I  II. verb  Date: 1627  transitive verb  1. to secure upright with or as if with ~s  2. to incline (a mast) forward, aft, or to one side by the ~s  intransitive verb to go about ; tack  III. verb  (~ed; also staid; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estei-, estai-, stem of ester to stand, ~, from Latin stare — more at stand  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb  1. to stop going forward ; pause  2. to stop doing something ; cease  3. to continue in a place or condition ; remain ~ed up all night went for a short vacation but ~ed on for weeks ~ put till I come back  4. to stand firm  5. to take up residence ; lodge  6. to keep even in a contest or rivalry ~ with the leaders  7. to call a poker bet without raising  8. obsolete to be in waiting or attendance  transitive verb  1. to wait for ; await  2. to stick or remain with (as a race or trial of endurance) to the end — usually used in the phrase ~ the course  3. to remain during ~ed the whole time  4.  a. to stop or delay the proceeding or advance of by or as if by interposing an obstacle ; halt ~ an execution  b. to check the course of (as a disease)  c. allay, pacify ~ed tempers  d. to quiet the hunger of temporarily  Synonyms: see defer  IV. noun  Date: 1536  1.  a. the action of halting ; the state of being stopped  b. a stopping or suspension of procedure or execution by judicial or executive order  2. obsolete self-control, moderation  3. a residence or sojourn in a place  4. capacity for endurance  V. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French estaie, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Dutch stake pole, Middle Low German stak post, stake pole — more at stake  Date: 14th century  1. one that serves as a prop ; support  2. a thin firm strip (as of plastic) used for stiffening a garment or part...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 intr. continue to be in the same place or condition; not depart or change (stay here until I come back). 2 intr. a (often foll. by at, in, with) have temporary residence as a visitor etc. (stayed with them for Christmas). b Sc. & S.Afr. dwell permanently. 3 archaic or literary a tr. stop or check (progress, the inroads of a disease, etc.). b intr. (esp. in imper.) pause in movement, action, speech, etc. (Stay! You forget one thing). 4 tr. postpone (judgement, decision, etc.). 5 tr. assuage (hunger etc.) esp. for a short time. 6 a intr. show endurance. b tr. show endurance to the end of (a race etc.). 7 tr. (often foll. by up) literary support, prop up (as or with a buttress etc.). 8 intr. (foll. by for, to) wait long enough to share or join in an activity etc. (stay to supper; stay for the film). --n. 1 a the act or an instance of staying or dwelling in one place. b the duration of this (just a ten-minute stay; a long stay in London). 2 a suspension or postponement of a sentence, judgement, etc. (was granted a stay of execution). 3 archaic or literary a check or restraint (will endure no stay; a stay upon his activity). 4 endurance, staying power. 5 a prop or support. 6 (in pl.) hist. a corset esp. with whalebone etc. stiffening, and laced. Phrases and idioms has come (or is here) to stay colloq. must be regarded as permanent. stay-at-home adj. remaining habitually at home. --n. a person who does this. stay-bar (or -rod) a support used in building or in machinery. stay the course pursue a course of action or endure a struggle etc. to the end. stay one's hand see HAND. stay in remain indoors or at home, esp. in school after hours as a punishment. staying power endurance, stamina. stay-in strike = sit-down strike. stay the night remain until the next day. stay put colloq. remain where it is placed or where one is. stay up not go to bed (until late at night). Derivatives stayer n. Etymology: AF estai- stem of OF ester f. L stare stand: sense 5 f. OF estaye(r) prop, formed as STAY(2) 2. n. & v. --n. 1 Naut. a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) стойка; опора; подставка; подпорка 2) оттяжка; ванта 3) подкос; укосина 4) стяжка; связь 5) люнет 6) возд. расчалка 7) средство усиления стыков (корпуса картонного ящика) 8) усилительная бейка 9) закрепка строчки (на стачивающей машине) - anchor stay - back stay - casement stay - collar stay - cross stay - fixed stay - gusset stay - lower stay - peg stay - prop stay - roller stay ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  оттяжка, ванта; расчалка; несущий канат подкос; распорка; контрфорс; опора фиксатор арматуры anchor stay back stay cable stay casement stay chain stay cross stays ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) бытность 2) задерживать 3) крепление 4) опора 5) оставаться 6) останавливать 7) остановка 8) поддержка 9) пребывание 10) простаивать 11) укрепить 12) укреплять 13) штат - anchor stay - firebox stay - over-road stay - stay block - stay bolt - stay tightener ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. задержка, промедление - automatic stay - stay out - temporal stay ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. пребывание a long stay in London —- длительное пребывание в Лондоне 2. промедление, задержка; остановка a stay upon smb.'s activity —- помеха в чьей-л. деятельности to endure no stay —- не терпеть промедления to put a stay on smth. —- тормозить что-л. 3. выносливость, выдержка 4. юр. отсрочка, приостановление производства дела stay of proceedings —- приостановление судопроизводства (по делу); редк. прекращение судопроизводства stay of execution —- приостановление исполнения решения 5. оставаться, не уходить to stay in bed —- лежать в постели, болеть to stay to dinner —- остаться обедать stay here (with me)! —- останьтесь (побудьте) здесь (со мной)! he stayed with us —- он остался с нами he stayed for me after dinner —- после обеда он задержался, чтобы подождать меня I can't stay —- мне нужно идти I can only stay a few minutes —- через несколько минут я должен буду уйти there is no staying at home in such fine weather —- нельзя сидеть дома в такую дивную погоду 6. останавливаться, гостить to stay at (in) a hotel —- останавливаться в гостинице to stay at the seaside —- жить у моря to stay with friends —- гостить у друзей to come to stay —- приехать надолго (навсегда) to stay overnight —- переночевать (где-л.) to stay over the weekend —- пробыть (у кого-л.) субботу и воскресенье he came for a brief visit but stayed (on) for two months —- он приехал...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) пребывание; I shall make a weeks stay there - я пробуду там неделю  2) остановка; стоянка  3) leg. отсрочка, приостановка судопроизводства  4) coll. выносливость; выдержка  5) опора, поддержка; he is the stay of his old age - он его опора в старости (о ком-л.)  6) связь; оттяжка  7) pl.; obs. корсет (тж. pair of stays)  8) tech. люнет  2. v.  1) оставаться, задерживаться (тж. stay on); stay here till I return - побудьте здесь, пока я не вернусь; to stay calm (cool) - сохранять спокойствие (хладнокровие); to come to stay - войти в употребление, укорениться, привиться, получить признание; it has come to stay coll. - это надолго; to stay put coll. -  а) оставаться неподвижным, замереть на месте; оставаться на месте;  б) оставаться неизменным  2) останавливаться, жить (at); гостить (with)  3) останавливать, сдерживать; задерживать; to stay ones hand - воздерживаться от действия  4) (особ. в повел. накл.) медлить, ждать; stay! not so fast! - подождите!, не так быстро!; куда вы торопитесь?  5) coll. выдерживать, выносить, быть в состоянии продолжать; не отставать  6) утолять (боль, голод и т.п.); to stay ones hunger/stomach - заморить червячка  7) придавать жесткость, стойкость или прочность конструкции; поддерживать, укреплять, связывать  8) затягивать в корсет  9) leg....
Англо-русский словарь


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